ICES Marine Data
DATSU > List of operations > Specification of the format

Format / Checks / Species

StartFieldCodeDatatypeCode ListMandatoryHeaderDescription / Aditional Information
1 RecordType char(2) Record type
2 Year char(4) Monitoring year Year when the data were collected.
3 Month int(2) Month Month when the data were collected.
4 Quarter int(1) Quarter Quarter when the data were collected.
5 AreaType char(20) AreaType Area reference type Specify which area reference codes you are using: ICES areas, GFSM GSAs, NAFO areas.
6 AreaCode char(100) ICES area reference code Use code options from the look-up lists for each area type. Note: For ICES Divisions containing NEAFC waters data are required by Subdivision (e.g. 7.c.1) -see Table 5.1.1.
7 MetierL3 char(20) GearGroup Metier level 3 If ‘other’ is selected, please provide explanation in the comment field.
8 MetierL4 char(25) GearType Metier level 4
9 MetierL5 char(40) TargetAssemblage Metier level 5
10 MetierL6 char(40) Metier6_FishingActivity Metier level 6 Further details, scripts and documentation can be found at:
11 VesselLengthRange char(25) VesselLengthClass Vessel length range code
12 DaysAtSeaF float(10) Days at sea fished Total days at sea (any continuous period of 24 hours (or part thereof) during which a vessel is present within an area and absent from port) operating at Metier Level 5.
13 VesselsF float(10) Vessels fishing Total number of vessels operating at Metier Level 5
14 TripsF float(10) Trips fished Total number of trips operating at Metier Level 5
15 TotalNetsLengthF float(10) Total length of nets fished (km) Total length of nets deployed at Metier level reported, in km.
16 TotalKmHoursF float(10) Total km hours fished Total soak time fished at Metier level reported, in km/h.
17 NoofHaulsF float(10) Number of hauls fished Total number of hauls (aka tows or sets) fished at Metier level reported
18 TotalTowTimeF float(10) Total towing time fished Total tow time fished at the Metier level reported, in hours.

International Council for the Exploration of the Sea (ICES) · Conseil International pour l'Exploration de la Mer (CIEM)
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