ICES Marine Data
DATSU > List of operations > Specification of the format

Format / Checks / Species

StartFieldCodeDatatypeCode ListMandatoryHeaderDescription / Aditional Information
1 RecordType char(2) Record type
2 EffortID nchar(50) The code or ID assigned to the section of effort within the survey. Needs to be unique within the survey but can be the same across surveys
3 SurveyID char(50) Unique identifier assigned to the survey The unique identifier assigned to the survey by the data owner in support of retaining a reference between the original data and the JCDP dataset. Format: date, organisation, location, survey type
4 PlatformInstance char(2) Order Platform corresponding to the observer team that made the observation This field is conditional based on selection of a double platform methodology
5 StartDate datetime(10) ISO format: yyyy:mm:dd start date of the effort segment waypoint
6 EndDate datetime(10) ISO format: yyyy:mm:dd end date of the effort segment waypoint. This field is mandatory for all vessel based surveys.
7 StartTime nchar(5) hh:mm start time of survey effort (UTC) waypoint
8 EndTime nchar(5) hh:mm end time of survey effort (UTC) waypoint. This field is mandatory for all vessel based surveys.
9 StartLatitude float(8) DDD.DDDD start latitude of effort type in decimal degrees. Standard is WGS84
10 StartLongitude float(8) DDD.DDDD start longitude of effort type in decimal degrees. Standard is WGS84
11 EndLatitude float(8) DDD.DDDD end latitude of effort type in decimal degrees. Standard is WGS84. This field is mandatory for all vessel based surveys.
12 EndLongitude float(8) DDD.DDDD end longitude of effort type in decimal degrees. Standard is WGS84. This field is mandatory for all vessel based surveys.
13 SurveyArea float(8) Aerial survey only – the total area of the survey area within which the data were collected, in km2 (5 decimal places max)
14 ImageArea float(8) Total area captured by digital images or video footage within the SurveyArea, recorded in km2 (5 decimal places max)
15 PlatformHeight float(5) Height of the observation platform or flight height above sea level/altitude in metres (2 decimal places max)
16 PlatformSpeed float(5) Speed over ground (km/h) taken from the platform’s instrument where possible (2 decimal places max)
17 NumberOfObservers int(2) Number of observers who are recording simultaneously during a period of effort (whole numbers). If double platform, include the number of observers for both platforms. In case of aerial surveys, please record "0".
18 AngleOfSearch char(5) AngleOfSearch Search angle of survey team in degrees If the existing options do not cover your needs, request additional options via
19 SeaState int(2) Beaufort Sea state using the Beaufort Scale
20 SwellWaveHeight char(2) SwellHeight
21 Glare char(3) Grading Amount of the search area affected by glare, to the extent that it is impacted or cannot be effectively searched. Related to the AngleofSearch field. Descriptive definitions available in the manual
22 Precipitation char(3) Precipitation Primary precipitation that is affecting ability to search. See the manual for descriptions
23 PrecipitationIntensity nchar(3) Grading
24 Visibility char(3) Visibility Visibility quality from platform to horizon See the manual for definitions
25 Sightability nchar(3) Sightability Sightability is a subjective impression of the conditions for spotting small cetaceans taking into account all conditions (sea state, glare, swell, wind direction etc) – see the manual for further details
26 CloudCover char(3) CloudCover Percent of sky in search area affected by cloud. See the manual for details on how to convert other methods of recording cloud cover (e.g. Oktas) into the JCDP convention
27 WaterTurbidity char(2) Grading
28 Comments char(500) Any other relevant comments or information

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