ICES Marine Data
DATSU > List of operations > Specification of the format

Format / Checks / Species

StartFieldCodeDatatypeCode ListMandatoryHeaderDescription / Aditional Information
1 RecordType char(2) Record type The reporting formats comprise a number of different record types, each containing different data fields. RecordType field consists of a 2-character code, which defines the record type and thus the layout of the data fields included on that record.
2 HaulID char(20) Haul ID
3 GonadID char(10) Fecundity Sample Number, unique code assigned to the ovary samples
4 ALABO char(6) EDMO Analysing institute, use EDMO
5 GridPoints int(4) Number of grid points in the Weibel Grid used for the analyses.
6 FieldArea float(4) Area of the field that has been analysed for a single picture. Unit is cm2
7 Pictures int(2) Number of pictures analysed.
8 Neg_Grid int(2) Number of points for negative grid count Number of Grid Points in the subsample using a Weibel grid for negative grid count, i.e. grid points outside the ovary wall.
9 Extra int(3) Number of Grid Points in the subsample using a Weibel grid which are extra, i.e. those touching empty areas within the ovary that occur due to fixation of the sample.
10 YV int(3) Number of Grid Points in the subsample using a Weibel grid which touch Yolk Vesical cells.
11 YV_P int(3) Total Number of Yolk Vesical cells (point counts) in the subsample.
12 YV_YG int(3) Number of Yolk Vesical-Yolk Granule Grid Points in the entire sample. Number of Grid Points in the subsample using a Weibel grid which touch Yolk Vesical-Yolk Granule cells.
13 YV_YG_P int(3) Total Number of Yolk Vesical-Yolk Granule cells (point counts) in the subsample.
14 YG int(3) Number of Grid Points in the subsample using a Weibel grid which touch Yolk Granule cells.
15 YG_P int(3) Total Number of Yolk Granule cells (point counts) in the subsample.
16 Notes char(500) Any additional information, free text

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