The Data screening Utility (DATSU) Webservice provides the ability to query sessions and screen a file using a REST interface.
Each part of the web service is provided by a web service Application Programme Interface (API), which defines the name, input to, and output from the service for a particular data request.
The following web service APIs are provided: |
Description |
This API allows the user to have a list of all the datasets IDs that can be screened in the DATSU API. |
Output |
The list of Datasets that can be screened in DATSU with the IDs |
Example |
Example to make a request to see the list
Description |
A list of the available records for the specified format
Output |
List of the supported records for the specified records |
Details |
Example of geting the list of the supported records for the ESAS format
Description |
A list of the available QC checks for the dataset and/or record
Output |
List of the supported available QC rules for that dataser and/or record, this list will include the source code of the QC rule in SQL |
Details |
Example of geting the list of QC rules for the VMS and logbook data
Example of geting the list of QC rules for the Seawater format but only for the record 91 (station record)
Description |
A list of the available fields for the specified format and record (optional filter).
Output |
List of the supported records and fields, in this list it is specified the field type, if it is mandatory and if it is linked wiht any vocabulary. |
Details |
Example of geting the list of the supported fields for the JCDP format
Example of geting the list of the supported fields for the JCDP format and record type 'EE'
Description |
This API allows the user to screen a file using the API. |
Input |
The input are:
• fileToUpload (stream accepted as IFormFile, part of the body of the request)
• EmailAddress (email address of the user)
• DataSetVerID (The servion of the dataset)
• SendEmail (query string, it is set to false by default, this will specify if the user wants to receive an email when the session is finished)
• ErrorLimit (query string, does not need to be specified, it is 30000 by default )
Output |
The ID of the DATSU session |
Address |
Description |
This API allows the user to view the details of a specific session. |
Input |
The input is:
• DATSU SessionID
Output |
Details of the session |
Example |
Example of geting the details for a session
Description |
This API allows the user to screen a file using the API. |
Input |
The input is:
• DataSetVerID
• Year (as a query string)
• Country (as a query string)
Output |
The details of the sessions |
Example |
Example of geting the list of sessions for the VMS format
Description |
A list of the messages for the specified sessionID
Output |
List of the messages for the specified session |
Details |
Example of the messages ofr a screening session
Description |
This API returns a JWT token to the user if the ICES credentials are correct. |
Input |
UserName and Password
Output |
JWT Token. |
Example |
Method is POST
Url is:
Description |
This API of the webservice returns a list of the sesisons for the authenticated user. |
Input |
The available filters are:
• DatasetTypeID
Note: To call this API the user needs to be authenticathed with a JWT token and need to be authorized to access the restricted records
Output |
Returns the data that matches the defined criteria. |
Example |
Method is GET
Example of geting a list of the user sessions (Authentication needs to be done first using JWT)