ICES Marine Data
DATSU > List of operations > Specification of the format

Format / Checks / Species

StartFieldCodeDatatypeCode ListMandatoryHeaderDescription / Aditional Information
1 RecordType char(2) Record type
2 NationalColonyID char(30) National unique identifier of the colony
3 AphiaID int(6) SpecWoRMS WoRMS AphiaID Species reference code
4 Species_name char(50) Species Latin name
5 Year char(4) Year
6 Count int(8) Number of animals counted or estimated (not corrected for distance).
7 Count_unit char(2) BD_CountUnit Abundance count unit
8 Count_flag char(20) BD_CountFlag Abundance count flag
9 Count_method char(15) BD_CountMethod Abundance count method
10 Sample_breeding char(2) BD_SampleBreeding Breeding sampling method
11 Plot_combination int(2) Plot combination Unique identifier for the plot combination (null if the whole colony counted)
12 Adjustment_factor decimal(5) Adjustment factor Factor to adjust plot count to the whole count
13 Time_period char(2) BD_TimePeriod Time period
14 Data_access char(15) Data_access Data access policy
15 SurveyID char(50) Unique identifier for the survey

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